Portfolio Details

Home page for paint the city website

Paint the City

  • Category: Web Development
  • Company: Design the City inc.
  • Languages: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
  • Project date: July, 2024
  • Project URL: https://www.paintthecity.io

Project Description

Started a creative agency that has provided development and design,services for small businesses. Collaborated with over 5+ small businesses to create websites that are user-friendly and visually appealing.

screenshot of retail website project home page

Founder's Lessons

Project Description

Built a custom WordPress website with inspiration from a Figma design made by the client.

Home page LumiSkin website


Project Description

Client had an existing website and wanted to move it to a different web builder. Made a replica of the original site in WordPress and set up a section for articles and videos.

Home page for MatchMade website


  • Category: Web Development
  • Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Frameworks: React, BootStrap
  • Project date: January, 2023
  • Project URL: https://www.matchmadepics.com/

Project Description

Created a website that lets you find matching profile pictures for friends. Planned out mockups in Figma, created user flows and moodboard using Miro. Iterated changes based on user feedback from Reddit and Twitter.

screenshot of guessing game correct status screen
screenshot of guessing game incorrect status screen
screenshot of guessing game home page

Number Guessing Game

  • Category: Web Development
  • Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Project date: July, 2021
  • Project URL: Guessing Game

Project Description

Worked with a team to create a guessing game project for my web development course. I worked on the front-end to create the home page and used JavaScript to change the gif status depending on user input.

screenshot of CovidConnect project home page

Covid Connect Website

  • Category: Web Development
  • Company: Google SPS Program
  • Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Project date: August, 2020

Project Description

Collaborated with a team of peers to design and implement a web application using Java, JavaScript, HTML and CSS over the course of 10 weeks, leveraging various Google Cloud Platform APIs, including App Engine and Datastore.

screenshot of Trejour youtube banner

Trejour YouTube Banner

  • Category: Graphic Design
  • Client: Trejour
  • Software: Adobe Photoshop
  • Project date: July, 2020
  • Project URL: Trejour YouTube Channel

Project Description

Client wanted a gold YouTube banner for their music channel. I used a smooth style font and stroke effects to make a shiny effect to the brand name and social media handles.